Got a new camera! And while unloading all the old pics, I found a few to toss up here.
My old street with a plane landing in Kingston.
Fellow PCV Angela with some gigantic potatoes, or yams, I'm not sure which.
The site of an old bridge that was washed out, I believe in hurricane Dean.
While on a trip to look at sites for the new bridge, some kids who were swimming demanded that I take their picture. Seems to happen with kids that whenever they see me with a camera they demand I take their picture, and get excited as all hell when I show it to them on the screen afterwards.
Me legging it to take a look at a spring catchment up in Jambos Pond
The catchment. The water naturally flows out of the mountain side, and is blocked in to channel it into pipes, which go down and feed the community. This particular one is enough for the community, but because there's a mountainside it needs to hop over the community will be installing a pump and additional piping to get to more homes.
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) Chris, with Mike and Toni, two awesome people who got me hooked up with internet, and are my winemaking partners. We currently have a 3-gallon batch of passion fruit wine brewing now.
Their cat eyes Angela suspiciously...
PCVs Angela and Sara overlooking Mike and Toni's future house. From this view on a clear day you can see the Caribbean to the North and South, and also the Blue Mountain peak, the highest point in the Caribbean.
Me striking a pose. Someone with photoshop skills add some lens flairs and maybe an eagle in the background and this would be the most perfect picture of me yet.
Out with a coworker and some PCVs checking the foundation for a Food For the Poor house. The recipient applies for the house with a letter of support from their church or community group, and then builds a foundation. We then send our contractor with a container of material to build a house. Here we're checking the dimensions, in this rather artistic shot that fellow PCV Thinh took.
Another shot by Thinh. I love how it can be downpouring and sunny at the same time here.
Action shot!
Almost ran right into this little guy. Then the same thing happened again a few hours later when I was picking some peppers. Amazingly I've come to grow affectionate for spiders here, but I guess I'll take sides with anything at war with the mosquitoes.
Jerk & Flirt 2k9.
Coworker and some of his community trying to jump start a car. It didn't work, but they had fun.
And the first shot of 2k10, the sun setting in Portmore just a few hours ago tonight. It's a new year, with new days, new nights, new friends, and new experiences. In less than two months, there will be a new group of volunteers on the island, group 81. If I could have one wish it would be that the year leaves with no regrets.