Most of my last year in Jamaica has been spent in what is called the "Corporate Area", mainly comprised of Kingston, Spanish Town (the old capital), and Portmore (somewhat between the two, and my site.) In total, the corporate area occupies just a small corner of the island but is host to about 1.5 million, or half of the inhabitants. Here are some pictures from Kingston, with Spanish Town and Portmore soon to follow.
Here we are in Parade, the heart of downtown. Located here is the largest transportation hub on the island, and also the largest market. There are probably hundreds of carts like this one being pushed around, selling anything from oranges to rice to bootlegged DVDs.
This is from another large Kingston transportation hub, Half-Way Tree. This happens to be some of my favorite graffiti, as it is both political and confusing. Also, just yesterday, while getting a taxi, I asked the driver if he went to Half-Way Tree. "Nah mon, mi go WHOLE tree."
More cool graffiti, this time from crossroads, a bus stop between Half-Way Tree and Parade.
Me at the Peace Corps office, admiring my boss and minutes away from getting that foppish mullet chopped off.
Next up: Spanish Town.